Our Team
About us
Our team consists of nine roboticists from different schools. We currently study at Tallinn Secondary School of Science, Kiili gymnasium, Mustamäe State gymnasium and Tartu Kivilinna School.
We all have a passion for robotics and the desire and will to represent Estonia. Five members represent us at competitions, and this honor goes to the most active, but we all do a good job. In addition, we are supported by experienced instructors and mentors who also have considerable experience in the field of robotics.
Our members have come together from several different teams that have achieved good results in several different robotics competitions in previous years.
Jasper and Pärtel have represented Estonia in foreign competitions in the First Lego League team Viirus in 2018 and 2020 and won several trophies for their innovation projects and robot.
Competing as team Riismed, they were joined by Robin, with whom they represented Estonia in 2022. However, Robin, Lennart and Ralf represented Estonia in this year’s FLL international round with their team Aga Miks?.
We have also collectively achieved outstanding results in the Robotex, AHHAA Robo Battle and Robomiku Battle competitions.
Team members
I started with robotics in elementary school, and it, together with technology in general, very quickly became close to my heart. In my free time, I like to tinker with things or make something. I also like sports: I have been swimming, playing badminton, doing athletics; now I run, ride a bike and work out in the gym.
I have been doing robotics since first grade. For the last 5 years I have also been involved in badminton, but nowadays I like to do more bouldering.
I am very interested in creating things, whether they are useful or simply beautiful. I do 3D art and also 3D printing. I like physical sports and have been involved in swimming, dancing, soccer and parkour. But now I like going to the gym the most.

Ever since I was little, I have loved building and driving robots. I’ve been involved in robotics since I was young, and this is my ninth year doing robotics. I have also done in swimming, track and field and folk dance
Roboticus Ralf est ingeniosus artifex, qui in roboticis et intellegentia artificiosa elaborandis specializatur. Semper ideis plenus, difficiles quaestiones technicas ingeniose et efficaciter solvit. Ralf acutum ingenium habet et in turmis cooperandi peritiam, alios suo studio inspirans. Eius profunda scientia et perpetua curiositas novarum technologiarium eum artificem praeclarum faciunt. Tempore libero, Ralf prototypa nova experiri et suos robotas emendare amat.
I have always been interested in how things work and especially technical gadgets, and that’s why I went into robotics. I really like programming and every now and then I make a game or something else in C language. I played football for 4 years, but I didn’t really like it, and now I do classical weightlifting.
I’ve been very interested in technology and inventions since I was little, although I’m also into music and hiking. I have been working specifically with robotics since elementary school and I plan to continue doing so. I hope to help the team with my wide range of experience with the problems that arise, whatever they may be.